Friday, July 28, 2006

I still like my movies with Popcorn and Coke !

Soft Skills kill ...
but they do not fit my bill

Two and a half term papers ...
Make my attention taper

Now brain dead ...
Today please .. please ... lessen my dread !

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mood for the day ..

Hidden thoughts
Hidden fears

Darkness in broad daylight
Waiting for the calm of the night

Bud with Buds ...

The clubbing season is officially on ..

The customary Bud's and a LIT at the Kempinski - Mall of Emirates (MOE) .. with the ski slope (yes a full fledged ski slope in Dubai !) visible out of the window and the loungy feel to it .. felt like home again. And then the customary Intermingling session in the Villa .. another late night .. another late morning ..

Proof that you can sleep almost anywhere .. or you have people who can .. 1:30 a.m. at MOE .. safety in numbers ? I have a bed to sleep on .. I am truly blessed !

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Finally feels better ...

I have always felt this way
Pain in my heart
Or is it just and ache that sways

My constant companion
My confidante
My own creation
My own fear

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Days go by ..

Days go by...
days of learning,
days of yearning
and days without earning !!

Deliberate confinement in Dubai .. too hot to walk outside, to expensive to hire a cab and (I am guessing here) the food would be much better in a prison.

Work was so much easier, it was a rat race alright but at least I knew it was a race. You could be either a part of the race or a spectator, you could choose. As an active participant you got paid a lot better. But you were still a rat!

Academics; now that aint no rat race .. but compare it to a stream of air .. inside that stream you have particles in complete chaos, but somehow it reaches somewhere ..

And you get to study, study various books, people and relationships. Guess its to early for the fixtures to happen in Dubai yet !

Friday, July 07, 2006

I became poetic ..

... Its not Haiku .. but could have been (I wish !) ..

I think the additions to the poem just came from the heart .. my lines are in red.

College lectures - I never conquered
(Kamlesh Acharya)
I came.
I saw.
I heard.
I slept.
They quizzed,
I wept.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I am bumped off ..

.. I sneak back in !!

The usual stuff .. Murphy rules rule supreme in my life (pun intended). Just when you need money your name is bumped off the employee list .. and then some international phone calls (expensive !!) and I get back in ..

Down side .... first morsel of food for the day at around 3 p.m. !
Up side .... hot home cooked punjabi food !!

Twice in three days .. not bad for a guy who had not had home cooked food in ages in India and gets it easier in Dubai.

Also realized that I am not too bad in Quantitative Technique, a little brush up and some (some .. huh) midnight oil .. and I score well (lesson learnt .. no gain without pain)

La Bamba in Dubai - Spanish dancers and singers, the gentle sway of the sashes, the loud claps, the foot taps, the beautiful dancers in their white gowns, the typical guitar sound, the delicately held folding hand held fans, the dance with lighted candles, the colours, the energy .. and La Bamba (better than Los Lobos rendition .. maybe because of the live effect) ... I was dancing in my head !!

A clip of the song and lyrics to sing along with